Bitcoin: How “addDummySigs” in golang when send satoshi from p2tr multisig script?
I can introduce you to Tom how to add fictitious signatures in Golang at Multisig Satoshi P2TR.
Adding fictitious signatures in Holongi to the right of Satoshi
In this state, we are dissatisfied with the admission of fictitious signatures in the P2R Multisig walls with Golang. In the quality of the primer we use the “Bitcoinjs-Lib” package, which is full of full-fledged and stunted library to work with bitcoins.
What is P2TR?
P2TR indicates the evidence of the transaction root, which is the data structure used to present transaction in the bitcoin network. Kornevy P2TR Taproot is a key that represents an established combination of entrances, outputs and other metadanic transactions.
Do fictitious signatures?
In the Multisig Skeles, each section should sign your share of transactions, it can be translated to the web. This topic is not less, some members may not have the allocation of these signatures themselves to allocate these signatures. In such cases, we need to add factory signatures that the foreigner of the signature of its share is.
Add fictitious signatures in Holong
To create pharmaceutical signatures in Golang, we can use the “Crypto/SHA256” package to create fictitious Hasha signatures and use this hash in a fictitious subscription. Here are the fragments of the basic coating of code:
Main packaging
Import (
Func Main () {
// Download the Multisig Taproot walls
Taproot, Err: = Btinewton.Newtaproot ([] byte ("Your_script"), 3), 3)
If you are picking up! = nil {
fmt.println (ERR)
To pull out
// generate hash fictional signature
DummovignatureHash: = Sha256.sum256 ([] byte ("dummy_signature"))))))))))))
// are a fictitious signature, using hash and taproot
Dummyysignature: = FMT.Sprint
// View Satoshi in a fictitious signature network
Taproot.sesetedsatoshi (dummysignare)
In this fragmentation code:
- Download the Multisig Taproot wall using
- We generate hash fictitious signatures using SHA-256.
Sign in).
- We display Satoshi in a fictitious signature network.
Entertainment : When implementing, you should change your_script
on your factual Multisig Taproot and compliance with the signature of the alert signature. You can disappeue the question of using the method of greater unwillingness to generate pharmaceulation signatures, such as the use of a specified hash or the audience generator.
I hope this will help you add fictitious signatures on the hill Set Satoshi P2TR Multisig Satoshi!